Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A short lesson on quartz....

Geology was one of my favorite courses in college and I can really geek-out when it comes to studying minerals, crystals, and anything to do with the earth’s topography. Like most people, I’ve heard about the healing properties of crystals but I’ve never studied that topic in depth.

Recently, I went to a short class on the different metaphysical properties of quartz. I was amazed at how varied quartz crystals can be and at how many “special properties” they can have. Being a novice on this topic, I’m not entirely sure how to “use” crystals with these different properties but following are some of the variations that I found most interesting:

Taken from the Clear Creek Crystal Mine website: http://arcrystalmine.com

Window Crystal - A crystal with a diamond or rectangular face between the body and tip of a point is called window.  It is believed this crystal will open a "window to your soul" and help you get intuitive answers to questions and bypass the ego or intellect.  They are used for clarity and direction. If you are having problems and aren't sure why, a window crystal can be a good help. 

Time Line to the Past
Time Line to the Past - A crystal with a rectangular face leaning to the left.  It is believed they can be used to access information from the past. Time Lines to the Past are used as meditation crystals when the purpose of the mediation is to gain understanding of how actions, people, and relationships in our past are affecting our present and future. They aid in recall, and in understanding of how past elements of our lives make us what we are. They can help us find root causes, and deal with past slights, and injuries. If you seek a future that contains release from issues in the past, mediation with a Time Line to the Past crystal will focus your efforts and magnify your abilities.

Time Line to the Future
Time Line to the Future -A crystal with a rectangular face leaning to the right.  It is believed they can be used to access information from the future. A Time Line to the Future is a mediation crystal used in efforts to focus actions on a particular desired future state. These crystals contain the life force to see those desired future states clearly.  Time Lines to the Future help the user truly understand, visualize, and achieve their goals. These are not healing crystals, but are used in efforts to focus healing on specific outcomes that are desired. 

Record Keeper
Record Keeper - A crystal that has pyramidal or triangular shaped symbols that are either engraved into or are raised on one or more of a crystal faces is called a Record Keeper or Recorder.  These symbols are not easily seen and usually need to be searched out by looking at the crystal in a bright light while closely examining the faces. It is believed that the Record Keeper is one of the most sacred crystals because it holds the wisdom and knowledge of the universe.  When a person is properly attuned to a Record Keeper, this knowledge is readily made available. This knowledge is ancient knowledge and contains profound secrets and esoteric knowledge of the whole of the Higher consciousness.  It takes an open mind and a pure heart to access this knowledge. 

Isis Crystal - A crystal with a five-sided face is called an Isis crystal.  It is believed the Isis crystal will put you in touch with and strongly amplify your feminine energy, and can help you get in touch with the 'female' or unselfish side of yourself, no matter whether you are a man or a woman. Isis crystals put you in touch with the power of the Goddess. For men, the Isis crystal will help you become more in tune with your feminine side and to become more aware of the aspects of women that you may find troubling. For women, the Isis crystal will help you regain some of the power and energy that society has taken from you. 

Key Crystal – The key crystal is recognized by a three or six-sided indentation somewhere on the crystal. It is believed the Key crystal can be used to unlock the doors to healing, help answer difficult questions, solve problems, and access information to that which is hidden.

Rainbow Crystal - A crystal with a rainbow(s) inside that is caused by light being refracted by the prismatic effect of a crack or inclusion is called a Rainbow.  The refraction is often temperature sensitive causing the rainbow to appear and disappear.  It is believed that these crystals exhibit the closest manifestation of pure white light that can be witnessed on the physical plane. Rainbow crystals are used during meditation to escort us into the realm of the pure white light and can bring depth and clarity to dreams, help manifest wishes, and overcome negativity to be able to love life in the present moment.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

America's Stonehenge...

Taken from Wired
The Georgia Guidestones, sometimes called "America's Stonehenge", comprise a large granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, USA. In June 1979, an unknown person or persons under the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure.

A message encompassing ten guides is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian), and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient languages' scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

The guides are as follows:
1.    Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2.    Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3.    Unite humanity with a living new language.
4.    Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5.    Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6.    Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7.    Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8.    Balance personal rights with social duties.
9.    Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

To this day, no one knows exactly who paid for and erected the controversial monument but it's on my list of "must see" destinations.

Mel's Hole. Bottomless healing pit?

Taken from Travel and Leisure
Mel's Hole, Ellensburg, Washington. This nine-foot-wide bottomless hole on Mel Waters’s former property is awash in mystery. Waters reported sinking a fishing line some 15 miles into the pit in an attempt to find the bottom. He never found it. He also claimed the abyss would shoot black rays and could bring animals back to life; a neighbor tossed a dead dog into the hole only to have it return, alive, from out of the woods.

Healing Service

Healing Service
Friday, May 24, 2013

Vivian was doing aural body scans and/or reading angel cards. I chose angel cards. I was asked to think of one question that I wanted answered then pick a card. I didn’t really have a question, but concentrated on my “concerns” about our upcoming trip to Nepal. The card I chose was entitled “Play”. I guess that was a sign that I need to stop worrying about all the details and just anticipate having a great time.

Wanda is a native American healer and reiki master who worked on me at a past gathering of healers. She had me lie down on her massage table and proceeded to clear my aura and balance my chakras. She thought my heart chakra was a little out of whack – as a result of giving more than I allowed in – so she went to work on putting that back into balance. She also said I was blocking my third eye and crown chakras (Leann had said that during last month’s gathering… guess I didn’t learn my lesson) so she spent quite a bit of time clearing those as well. She mentioned that for some reason I was purposefully blocking money and prosperity from coming into my life.  She felt I had the ability to bring in tons of money but I wasn’t allowing it. She dropped prosperity symbols into my aura and told me to make sure I made a conscious effort to start allowing money into my life.  Note: after getting up from her table I was dizzy for several minutes. If there is such a thing a “real” energy healer, I think Wanda could be one.

Neil is a medium and reiki master.  After lying down on his massage table he asked me to relax and think of myself surrounded by a white column of light. He then proceeded to communicate with my angels and guides. He said the three guides that were there were very old and likened them to saints (a good thing).  There was a very tall, imposing angel at my right shoulder who he likened to a body guard. He asked me what the word “apex” meant to me. Not a word I frequently run across, I was a little stumped. He kept repeating the word and then said, “They say you’re afraid of the apex. What does that mean? Apex.”.  Immediately I thought “success”… I didn’t want to say this outloud but Neil kept pushing. I finally gave in. His response, “Exactly! You need to let that go! I see unlimited potential and tons of money but you’re the one stopping it.” Hmmmm, déjà vu. He instructed me stop worrying about money and accept that they (my guides and angels) had it under control. He then asked if I had experienced people abruptly leaving my life. Yes. He looked over my right shoulder and said, “it’s his fault.” (meaning my body guard angel). He explained that I had a tendency to try and keep people in my life even though I no longer needed them and even though they were no longer a positive influence. (OK, maybe sometimes.) Well, since I was stubborn and they (my guides and angels) couldn’t convince me to let go, my bodyguard was forced to remove the other person from my life. Neil then added, “You know, they couldn’t unplug you so they were forced to unplug him.” Strangely, this one sentence made total sense to me and explained a couple of questions that had been nagging me for decades. Maybe this guy is the “real deal” too….