Thursday, June 6, 2013

Healing Service

Healing Service
Friday, May 24, 2013

Vivian was doing aural body scans and/or reading angel cards. I chose angel cards. I was asked to think of one question that I wanted answered then pick a card. I didn’t really have a question, but concentrated on my “concerns” about our upcoming trip to Nepal. The card I chose was entitled “Play”. I guess that was a sign that I need to stop worrying about all the details and just anticipate having a great time.

Wanda is a native American healer and reiki master who worked on me at a past gathering of healers. She had me lie down on her massage table and proceeded to clear my aura and balance my chakras. She thought my heart chakra was a little out of whack – as a result of giving more than I allowed in – so she went to work on putting that back into balance. She also said I was blocking my third eye and crown chakras (Leann had said that during last month’s gathering… guess I didn’t learn my lesson) so she spent quite a bit of time clearing those as well. She mentioned that for some reason I was purposefully blocking money and prosperity from coming into my life.  She felt I had the ability to bring in tons of money but I wasn’t allowing it. She dropped prosperity symbols into my aura and told me to make sure I made a conscious effort to start allowing money into my life.  Note: after getting up from her table I was dizzy for several minutes. If there is such a thing a “real” energy healer, I think Wanda could be one.

Neil is a medium and reiki master.  After lying down on his massage table he asked me to relax and think of myself surrounded by a white column of light. He then proceeded to communicate with my angels and guides. He said the three guides that were there were very old and likened them to saints (a good thing).  There was a very tall, imposing angel at my right shoulder who he likened to a body guard. He asked me what the word “apex” meant to me. Not a word I frequently run across, I was a little stumped. He kept repeating the word and then said, “They say you’re afraid of the apex. What does that mean? Apex.”.  Immediately I thought “success”… I didn’t want to say this outloud but Neil kept pushing. I finally gave in. His response, “Exactly! You need to let that go! I see unlimited potential and tons of money but you’re the one stopping it.” Hmmmm, déjà vu. He instructed me stop worrying about money and accept that they (my guides and angels) had it under control. He then asked if I had experienced people abruptly leaving my life. Yes. He looked over my right shoulder and said, “it’s his fault.” (meaning my body guard angel). He explained that I had a tendency to try and keep people in my life even though I no longer needed them and even though they were no longer a positive influence. (OK, maybe sometimes.) Well, since I was stubborn and they (my guides and angels) couldn’t convince me to let go, my bodyguard was forced to remove the other person from my life. Neil then added, “You know, they couldn’t unplug you so they were forced to unplug him.” Strangely, this one sentence made total sense to me and explained a couple of questions that had been nagging me for decades. Maybe this guy is the “real deal” too….

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