Friday, May 17, 2013

Post Exorcism Changes, Part 1: Music

Although it’s only been three months, I feel like it’s been a lifetime since the “exorcism”. And although I’d like to forget my life prior, I know it’s important that I don’t. I’m still dumbfounded at how different I feel and how many of my “tastes” have changed.

I suppose it can be summed up in two words: black and white. My entire life used to be dark. Now I truly prefer the light.

We’ll start with music….
Just for the record: I was always a club kid at heart. I dressed conservatively, put a high price on manners and etiquette, went to a well respected college, and tried to always appear professional and “classy”… however, once the sun went down I loved nothing more than donning my Goth accoutrements and heading out to the back alley dance club. People who don’t really know me are always surprised when they see me at the gym or grocery store wearing a Rammstein t-shirt or when they bum a ride and are greeted by Marilyn Manson pumping through my mp3 player. The angrier and harder the music, the better. I always said, “I don’t just want to hear my music, I want to feel it too”. My ipod is filled with Metallica, Eisbrecher, KMFDM, NIN, Ministry, My Life the Trill Kill Kult, Megaherz, Oomph!, and of course my beloved Rammstein and Marilyn Manson. I may have looked like an upstanding all-American girl but just below the surface lay a kohl-eyed bad-ass who had no problem throwing you to the ground and not-so-politely showing you your place.  I often likened myself to a hyperactive child on Ritalin – listening to hard music (especially German metal) calmed my mind and actually relaxed me. Easy listening stations would drive me absolutely bonkers and I found it extremely difficult to focus if faced with “smooth jazz” and sappy ballads. I was never allowed to pick the station at work…

After the “exorcism” I quickly realized that when choosing morning drive time music I no longer wanted my old favorites. The music that previously underscored my life was now completely unappealing. Bewilderment ensued.

Many years ago my husband brought home a CD entitled “Tibetan Incantations”. I have no idea where it originally came from, it had been sitting unnoticed and unopened for quite some time. The entire CD consists of 3 songs, two of which are different versions of the same song. In the past this would have been the bane of my existence, but now I find it completely soothing.  Soon after the “incident” I popped it into my car’s CD player and it hasn’t left.  Aside from the occasional news station traffic check, it’s the only thing I listen to while driving. Every time my husband is in the car he has to say, “Still not tired of it?”

The old songs are still on my ipod (I just can’t work out to Buddhist chants) but I no longer feel the same affinity for the messages behind the music.  In the beginning I would actually forward through many of the songs; I’ve stopped doing that but still have no interest in playing them anyplace but the gym.

It may not sound like much to anyone else but trust me, this was a huge change. 

Tibetan Incantations on Youtube: 
Tibetan Incantations on Amazon: Tibetan Incantations

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