Friday, May 3, 2013

Healing Service

 Friday, April 26, 2013

This was my first time back since the “exorcism”.  I decided to try three of the featured healers.

Brian specialized in Reiki and spent 10 minutes standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. I assume he was directing positive energy into my body… He talked to me the entire time and ended by saying that I needed to see a chiropractor because my neck was “jacked up”.

My second healer was Leann. Her specialty: energy work. Utilizing crystals and her own energy she works to clear out any negativity or blockages in your energy field and aura. She was “professional”, polished, and quite friendly.  I stretched out on her massage table and she proceeded to start my aural cleansing. She told me that my energy was very light and airy, a nice change from the heaviness she’d been encountering in the men she’d worked on earlier in the evening. She spent a lot of time focusing on my sacral chakra (lots of blockages there). She asked if I wanted children… definitely not. Her brows furrowed a bit and she continued on to my heart chakra. 
When she got to my crown chakra she let me know that it was very cold; she was going to work on opening it so I could better connect with spirit. That task turned out to be more difficult than she’d anticipated; she immediately started trying figuring out why she couldn’t get the energy flowing. She picked up my left hand, placed her right hand about 3 inches directly above it, paused for a few seconds, then nodded and said, “OK, that’s why. You’re psychic. You need to stop blocking your gifts. Are you a healer?”
“You can be if you want. I’m going to open your crown chakra so you’ll be more open to that option.”
When she was satisfied that my 7th chakra was open and ready to receive energy she went back to working on my sacral chakra. After a few more minutes she made one final sweep of my energy field (just to check her work), then finished up.
When I sat up I asked her why she questioned me about wanting children. She smiled and said that there were several little souls waiting on the other side in case I changed my mind. I assured her that I wouldn’t. “It’s not too late,” she smiled almost slyly. NOT GOOD! Not good at all….

The last healer I chose was Marsha. She also did energy work. She studied Reiki but had developed her own modality that incorporated many different studies. My tennis elbow has been acting up so I asked her to work on it. She sat down next to me, wrapped her hands gently around my elbow, closed her eyes and got to work. After about a minute my elbow grew slightly cold, but I didn’t say anything (I expected heat).  A few seconds later she asked if I could feel anything cool in my elbow – my guides had told her that there was inflammation at the sight and that she needed to send blue, cooling energy to help soothe the pain.
She was also told that I needed to sleep with my arm in a different position – my current sleeping posture wasn’t helping. I would try, but couldn’t guarantee anything.
As she released my arm she laughed and told me that my guides were very funny – apparently they enjoying dancing and were hopping around joyfully as she was working with them. OK, maybe that’s why I dance whenever possible…

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