Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Miracle Man of Brazil

João Teixeira de Faria ("John of God")
I first heard about John of God several months ago while watching an Oprah special featuring Wayne Dyer (don’t judge me… I honestly never watch Oprah and only stopped while browsing the DirecTV guide because I saw Wayne Dyer was the guest).  Dr. Dyer was recalling his diagnosis of leukemia and the unconventional mode of treatment that he chose to pursue – contacting a self-described medium and “psychic surgeon” from Brazil named João Teixeira de Faria, better known as João de Deus ("John of God").

To very briefly paraphrase Dr. Dyer’s experience: He had a friend (a medical doctor) travel to the Brazilian town of Abadiania where John of God lives and works. She carried a photograph of Dr. Dyer (dressed in white) to the healer who then used Dr. Dyer’s photograph as the vehicle for performing his surgery. During this entire process Dr. Dyer was at his home in Maui, John of God in southwestern Brazil. The final outcome… Dr. Dyer was “miraculously” cured of his leukemia.

João de Deus has no medical training, describes himself as a “simple farmer”, claims to act as a vehicle for God's healing, and to have absolutely no recollection of anything during the procedures. "I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God's divine hands". Millions of people have consulted with de Faria since 1965; up to 3,000 per day stand and wait in line to see him individually. De Faria has been arrested several times for practicing medicine without a license and has been jailed once.

Having no personal experience with the man or his methods, I can’t vouch for his abilities. I do, however, find the possibility of receiving this kind of healing to be fascinating.

Dr. Dyer discusses his surgery: OWN, Wayne Dyer’sSurgery from John of God

John of God’s website: João de Deus, The Miracle Man of Brazil 

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