Friday, April 26, 2013

The ancient art of burning sage...

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I love the smell of burning sage. From the first whiff I was hooked. It’s one of those powerful scents that immediately transports me to a place filled with warmth and peace.  I have no present life memory connected with its smell but on some deep inner level I find it very soothing.

I first learned about its cleansing properties from a Shaman named Bobby Sanchez. I was attending his class on Shamanism and one night he conducted an introduction to vision quests, starting the meditation by cleansing each of us with sage.  

Using sage to cleanse a space or person is known as Smudging. In a Native American smudging ritual sage is used to purify and balance the aura or energy of a person, place or object. When lit, a bundle of densely packed dried sage leaves produces a plume of smoke that can be fanned over the subject to help cleanse it of any unwanted negative energy.

I now make sure to always keep several bundles of sage on hand. When I’ve had a particularly frustrating week and feel the need for some deep relaxation or meditation I like to place some dried sage leaves in a porcelain bowl, light them and then let the smoke waft around me. The smell almost instantly calms my mind and releasing pent up frustration becomes quite easy.

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