Tuesday, April 9, 2013

“Trust your gut”. Wise words from a biologist.

I live my life by intuition. It may seem contradictory that a scientist would teach their child to always trust their gut over their head but that’s exactly what my mother did. It was an invaluable lesson. I discovered a long time ago that when I go against it, I always regret it.  A good friend once asked me how to teach her daughter the same. I found myself at a loss when I tried to answer. It was my assumption that everyone lived that way. The more people I talk to, the more I realize how uncommon it truly is. I can’t imagine not just “knowing” which way to turn, who to trust, and what’s total bullshit when I hear it. I wonder, does everyone “feel” what’s right but simply choose to ignore it or is intuition truly something that has to be encouraged before it really starts to kick in?

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