Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How the Wizard of Oz can assist you in warding off evil...

An easy way to protect yourself in your daily life is to ask to be surrounded by the white light of the Holy Spirit!

Envision the image of the Good Witch of the North from The Wizard of Oz. She traveled from one place to another inside a beautiful transparent bubble. Try traveling through your day and night that same way, inside a bubble made of the glowing, transparent white light of the Holy Spirit.

Here's another moment from the movie you can borrow that will help you keep dark or negative energy at bay... When Glenda is confronted by the Wicked Witch of the West, she waves at her dismissively and says, "You have no power here. Be gone with you." Project that thought to anyone or anything around you that you suspect is dark, negative or evil. You’ll be amazed at how effective it is in reminding you of your power.

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