Thursday, April 11, 2013

It wasn't over...

Even though I felt better than I had in years, maybe forever, I still wasn’t convinced that what I’d experienced was “real”.  I kept going over it trying to force it to make sense. I couldn’t. There simply wasn’t a rational explanation. Period. And although I still wasn’t a believer, I couldn’t shake the fear that perhaps whatever I’d had would somehow come back.

It did.

The angry arguments crept back into my thoughts, I found it hard to focus, the actions of people I didn’t even know sent me into a mental rage. I panicked. I immediately started reciting the Lord’s Prayer and silently calling upon Jesus, Mary, the angels and any other benevolent forces (all beings I’d been raised to consider pure nonsense, funny what you’ll do when desperate) to help me dispel anything evil that resided within me. I had to be crazy. No other explanation.

Then the nightmares returned. Only now, instead of simply yelling at them while dreaming I found myself on my knees sobbing… yelling at the top of lungs for them to get the fuck out of my house, my head and my soul and literally begging God to help me.
The worst part: I had no one tell. No one to sit, listen, nod, and then tell me it would all be OK. Who in their right mind would believe me? No one, not even the UFO abductees and big foot researchers. Never in my life had I felt so utterly and completely desperate and alone. 

I knew I had to go back to the Spiritualist Meetup group.

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