Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Years ago I signed up a past life regression class.  Growing up I was taught that when you died you just stopped being. That’s it. No white light, no gathering of loved ones, no angels, no heaven – just worms returning your remains to the earth.  Needless to say, I didn’t expect much from the class.

I was firmly convinced that I was incapable of being hypnotized so as I settled down with my blanket and pillow assuming the next 3 hours would be a total waste of time.  The teacher led us in a typical guided meditation and I soon lost track of her voice. The next thing I remember was hearing her say, “Three, two, one. You’re now awake and will easily be able to remember all the past lives you just visited.”
This is what I remember:
  1. I was a boy around 4-5 years old and was sitting under a bid wooden table.  The floor was earthen and the surrounding room seemed to be made of large timbers. The table was surrounded by adults who were talking, laughing, and eating. From my vantage point I could see only their chairs and legs. Everyone was wearing large fur lined boots that went to their knees and were bound with leather laces. The entire atmosphere was very jovial and friendly. I sat calmly playing under the table feeling completely safe in my own enclosed “fort”.  Seemed very “Vikingesque”.
  2. I was a young man, mid twenties. I was dressed in a ruffled shirt, black pants and black boots. My horse was also black and I was riding him at breakneck speed towards a sprawling estate that reminded me of Versailles, but on a smaller scale (maybe somewhere in France or Italy, late 1700’s). When I got to the estate I leaped off the horse and went storming into the main house. I was yelling and slapping my riding crop against my boot, obviously very angry with someone. I saw a man at the top of the massive curving staircase that dominated the entrance and went running up the stairs still yelling. When I reached the top of the stairs I realized the man was wearing a mask (much like the ones made in Venice).  With one great shove he pushed me backwards and I tumbled down the huge flight of stairs. As I lay dying at the bottom of the stairs the man in the mask leaned over me and started to laugh. In that moment I knew that I had been a very cruel person and that no one would be sad at my passing.
  3. In the last “past life” that I remembered I was a young boy, around 9-10, and was living in London during the mid 1800’s. I sat on my bed looking out a window at the smoggy rooftops wishing I could go outside. As I looked down I saw that both my legs were encased in braces and a wicker wheel chair sat by the bed. I felt very alone and quite lonely.

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