Friday, May 17, 2013

Post Exorcism Changes, Part 1: Music

Although it’s only been three months, I feel like it’s been a lifetime since the “exorcism”. And although I’d like to forget my life prior, I know it’s important that I don’t. I’m still dumbfounded at how different I feel and how many of my “tastes” have changed.

I suppose it can be summed up in two words: black and white. My entire life used to be dark. Now I truly prefer the light.

We’ll start with music….
Just for the record: I was always a club kid at heart. I dressed conservatively, put a high price on manners and etiquette, went to a well respected college, and tried to always appear professional and “classy”… however, once the sun went down I loved nothing more than donning my Goth accoutrements and heading out to the back alley dance club. People who don’t really know me are always surprised when they see me at the gym or grocery store wearing a Rammstein t-shirt or when they bum a ride and are greeted by Marilyn Manson pumping through my mp3 player. The angrier and harder the music, the better. I always said, “I don’t just want to hear my music, I want to feel it too”. My ipod is filled with Metallica, Eisbrecher, KMFDM, NIN, Ministry, My Life the Trill Kill Kult, Megaherz, Oomph!, and of course my beloved Rammstein and Marilyn Manson. I may have looked like an upstanding all-American girl but just below the surface lay a kohl-eyed bad-ass who had no problem throwing you to the ground and not-so-politely showing you your place.  I often likened myself to a hyperactive child on Ritalin – listening to hard music (especially German metal) calmed my mind and actually relaxed me. Easy listening stations would drive me absolutely bonkers and I found it extremely difficult to focus if faced with “smooth jazz” and sappy ballads. I was never allowed to pick the station at work…

After the “exorcism” I quickly realized that when choosing morning drive time music I no longer wanted my old favorites. The music that previously underscored my life was now completely unappealing. Bewilderment ensued.

Many years ago my husband brought home a CD entitled “Tibetan Incantations”. I have no idea where it originally came from, it had been sitting unnoticed and unopened for quite some time. The entire CD consists of 3 songs, two of which are different versions of the same song. In the past this would have been the bane of my existence, but now I find it completely soothing.  Soon after the “incident” I popped it into my car’s CD player and it hasn’t left.  Aside from the occasional news station traffic check, it’s the only thing I listen to while driving. Every time my husband is in the car he has to say, “Still not tired of it?”

The old songs are still on my ipod (I just can’t work out to Buddhist chants) but I no longer feel the same affinity for the messages behind the music.  In the beginning I would actually forward through many of the songs; I’ve stopped doing that but still have no interest in playing them anyplace but the gym.

It may not sound like much to anyone else but trust me, this was a huge change. 

Tibetan Incantations on Youtube: 
Tibetan Incantations on Amazon: Tibetan Incantations

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Believe what I say...

You expect me to believe what?
One of the hardest parts of my “encounter with evil” (I think that will be my new descriptive catch phrase) is the feeling of isolation that it has brought.  I’ve never been the kind of person who feels the need to discuss my feelings ad nauseum or even ask advice on personal problems – I just figured things out.  This, however, has been an entirely different story. Never having believed in evil, I have no real point of reference from which to try and analyze the situation.  

My husband was out of town on business the night of the “exorcism”. He called shortly before I went to bed that night and I jokingly told him about my experience.  I still hadn’t fully realized what had taken place… on some level I knew something significant had happened, but I had yet to fully realize the full spectrum of the events.  Although I couldn’t see him I knew he was sitting in his 5 star hotel room, wrapped in a cushy robe, munching on something out of the mini bar and rolling his eyes.  He’d always humored my interest in the paranormal, but absolutely did NOT believe any of it.

About a week later he questioned me and asked if I really believed I’d had a run in with a demon.  I said, “yes” and proceeded to tell him about everything I’d experienced since and all the huge differences I now saw in my life and personality. He sat looking concerned and finally said, “do you think you need to go talk to someone” – of course, by “someone” he meant a psychiatrist. I was a little hurt, but knew if the situation had been reversed I would reacted in the same way. In the following weeks he began cracking jokes and making light of the situation – this I wasn’t able to ignore.  My husband and I have a great relationship and RARELY even disagree but when he started poking fun at this I immediately whirled around and told him to NEVER, EVER joke about it again. I knew he didn’t believe me (and I didn’t blame him) but I wouldn’t put up with him making fun of it.  His eyes were wide and his mouth open – I think for the first time he realized that I was actually serious about what had happened. He now agreed that something traumatic had occurred, but he wasn’t able to wrap his mind around the possibility of it involving a demonic force.

Now he’ll occasionally ask me if I’ve had any more nightmares or feel scared but that’s as far as it goes. I truly do understand his disbelief, six months ago I was biggest non-believer around, but I also long for someone to confide in…

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Miracle Man of Brazil

João Teixeira de Faria ("John of God")
I first heard about John of God several months ago while watching an Oprah special featuring Wayne Dyer (don’t judge me… I honestly never watch Oprah and only stopped while browsing the DirecTV guide because I saw Wayne Dyer was the guest).  Dr. Dyer was recalling his diagnosis of leukemia and the unconventional mode of treatment that he chose to pursue – contacting a self-described medium and “psychic surgeon” from Brazil named João Teixeira de Faria, better known as João de Deus ("John of God").

To very briefly paraphrase Dr. Dyer’s experience: He had a friend (a medical doctor) travel to the Brazilian town of Abadiania where John of God lives and works. She carried a photograph of Dr. Dyer (dressed in white) to the healer who then used Dr. Dyer’s photograph as the vehicle for performing his surgery. During this entire process Dr. Dyer was at his home in Maui, John of God in southwestern Brazil. The final outcome… Dr. Dyer was “miraculously” cured of his leukemia.

João de Deus has no medical training, describes himself as a “simple farmer”, claims to act as a vehicle for God's healing, and to have absolutely no recollection of anything during the procedures. "I do not cure anybody. God heals, and in his infinite goodness permits the Entities to heal and console my brothers. I am merely an instrument in God's divine hands". Millions of people have consulted with de Faria since 1965; up to 3,000 per day stand and wait in line to see him individually. De Faria has been arrested several times for practicing medicine without a license and has been jailed once.

Having no personal experience with the man or his methods, I can’t vouch for his abilities. I do, however, find the possibility of receiving this kind of healing to be fascinating.

Dr. Dyer discusses his surgery: OWN, Wayne Dyer’sSurgery from John of God

John of God’s website: João de Deus, The Miracle Man of Brazil 

Monday, May 13, 2013

An email message from the High Council...

A three image sequence of last Friday’s rising annular eclipse.
Geoff Sims. (@beyond_beneath)
I just received an email concerning the recent solar eclipse. I don’t know the original sender, Lauren Carolyn Gorgo, but apparently she is “a conscious co-creation coach, intuitive, healer, teacher, inter-dimensional telepath, writer, designer & onlinepreneur”  and creator of the website  The email was sent from a woman I met at a recent class on meditation and concerns a message sent from the Pleiadian High Council.  I don’t know much about the Pleiadians… but, back in 1994 I had a brief encounter with a man who gave me the book “Bringers of the Dawn” which is supposedly a collection of teachings from the Pleiadians. I had forgotten about the book until just recently and am in the process of reading it now. Following is the body of the email:

I received the following message from the Pleiadian High Council regarding the solar eclipse:
“Mark your calendar.  Today you enter the beginning phase of ascended mastery. Let us be more clear….Ascended mastery begins with your consciousness, ends with your biology.  By that we mean that first you were required to break through to new levels or dimensions of thought, which became your new way of seeing & understanding reality, which became your new way of BEing, which became your new level consciousness…your state of self-awareness…which then altered your DNA and now…your biology.

This alteration, what we have called the transposition, begins now.  The solar eclipse is set to trigger the release of the karmic body template, that which was designed to uphold your life in duality.  The ascended template, the christ blueprint, is designed to uphold, to contain your mastery.  This switch, the transposition of karmic to christed template, enables the transfiguration of form…the true mark of the christ.

Today, you become the masters of your fate. Today, you become part of the lineage of those masters before you who have risen above the law of gravity, transcended the ancient human archetype and consciously left the causal world to dance with eternity. Today is a day of celebration for you are realizing your capacity to release an entire blueprint of existence that has served its purpose in bringing you to this moment, to Christhood.

What we would like to make clear is the understanding that each of you…the new earth guardians, healers and teachers, the sacred keepers and builders of form…you are being reborn, resurrected into the light of the risen christ.  As agents of healing, you will be able to perform miracles as you are released from the physical laws that keep you bound.  This eclipse passage assures the sovereign ceremonial initiation for those with the christ seed activated within.  It is a time of unprecedented spiritual awakening…of remembering.

Those of you who carry the christed DNA are here to plant the seeds of LOVE throughout the earth and in the hearts of her people.  We want you to know that you hold within you the keys to the universe and for those of you who are preparing to step into the fullness of your ascended selves, we say to you that these moments before you are those of transfiguration…the send off, if you will, united, into the kingdom of heaven.

We understand that these are lofty claims, so together with many other star nations near and afar, we will carry the energy to support them until each of you picks up your scepter, enrobes in your glory and bestows upon yourselves, the light of God.  Be assured that we have been with you since the beginning of time, and we will continue to hold this light for you until you are ready to carry it fully…by which, we say with great pride…you are ready.

This day, everything changes.  Take time time to consciously honor yourselves, to love yourselves, to BE yourselves fully, completely & honestly,  for each of you at the helm of christhood are here to serve in extraordinary ways.  We meant it literally when we said, you are the vehicles of divine transformation.  It all happens through you, the progenitors of the Christ.  Ponder your sacred lineage through this eclipse passage, and you may be surprised at what arises.”  

Masuru Emoto and the secret world of water...


In 2004 when the documentary “What The Bleep Do We Know” came out, I was fascinated by the segment involving Masuru Emoto’s work with water crystals.

Emoto claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water and even went so far as to say that polluted water could be restored through prayer and positive visualization.

His experiments involved photographing water crystals after various words, affirmations, prayers, or pictures were “shown” or directed at water. Needless-to-say his experiments have been labeled as pseudoscience by many professionals. I don’t have the authority to validate his work but I do find it fascinating.

Additional Information: Masaru Emoto’s website 

Thank You 



Selenite is a form of the mineral gypsum and is composed of calcium sulfate dehydrate. Gypsum occurs on every continent and is the most common of all the sulfate minerals.

Etymology: from the Middle English selinete, from Latin selenites, from Greek selēnitēs (lithos), literally, moonstone or stone of the moon, from selēnē (Moon).

Healing properties of Selenite:

“Selenite crystals are remarkably peaceful. They carry a very high vibration, and instill clarity of mind and a deep sense of inner peace. Selenite will assist you in opening your crown chakra and it can even assist you in contacting your Spiritual Guides and Angels.

Another wonderful property of Selenite is that it has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal, as you need to do with many metaphysical stones.

Selenite is one of the more powerful healing stones for the new age and spiritual work. It is excellent for meditation, and ensures a peaceful environment when stones are placed around the home.

Rubbing a smooth piece of Selenite will calm and lift your energy and may even help you enter into the realm of dreams, intuition, Spiritual Guides and Angels.

If you are interested in increasing your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra (in between or slightly above your eyebrows).
These are just a few of the many healing and metaphysical properties of  Selenite. The insight and energy Selenite provides is valuable in any healing or spiritual practice.” 
(from Rainbow Doorways)

When my “demon” refused to move on I sought help from people I considered “experts”. Aside from a house cleansing and standing my ground, demanding it leave, they suggested I bury Selenite in the four corners of my yard and then keep some inside my house.

I feared my neighbors would come by asking what new weed killer I was using when I went out to bury these small milky pieces of crystal in strategic places in my yard (just the week before they had watched, puzzled, as I’d sprinkled Kosher rock salt around the perimeter of our house). Fortunately, not questions were asked.

I also keep 2 large pieces on the window sill in our kitchen. More than anything I like the way they look – if they actually help dispel evil, all the better.  I’ve never been a believer in the “power” of crystals; however, since my recent encounter I don’t discount anything… having them around can’t hurt.

Additional information: Healing Crystals For You

Monday, May 6, 2013

Valley of Death, Yakutia, Russia.

Valley of Death, Siberia

A large area of mostly unexplored sub-arctic wasteland and coniferous forest called the Siberian taiga lies just south of the arctic tundra. One particular area is said to contain strange dome shaped objects or iron houses half buried in the permafrost. Local legends associate the domes with the ancient demons of the taiga and the local inhabitants tell tales of the odd effects they have on wildlife and people. An unknown illness which kills those who stay too long caused the local tribes to call the place 'Uliuiu Cherkechekh' The valley of death.

Read more: Yakutia

Suicide Forest

Aokigahara Forest, Japan. Aokigahara Forest, also known as "the Sea of Trees" and "Suicide Forest", is a forest that lies at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. The forest contains a number of rocky, icy caverns, a few of which are popular tourist destinations. The forest, which has a historic association with demons in Japanese mythology, is a popular place for suicides; in 2002, 78 bodies were found, despite numerous signs, in Japanese and English, urging people to reconsider their actions. Due to the wind-blocking density of the trees, and an absence of wildlife, the forest is known for being eerily quiet. The forest is the world's second most popular suicide location after San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Healing Service

 Friday, April 26, 2013

This was my first time back since the “exorcism”.  I decided to try three of the featured healers.

Brian specialized in Reiki and spent 10 minutes standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. I assume he was directing positive energy into my body… He talked to me the entire time and ended by saying that I needed to see a chiropractor because my neck was “jacked up”.

My second healer was Leann. Her specialty: energy work. Utilizing crystals and her own energy she works to clear out any negativity or blockages in your energy field and aura. She was “professional”, polished, and quite friendly.  I stretched out on her massage table and she proceeded to start my aural cleansing. She told me that my energy was very light and airy, a nice change from the heaviness she’d been encountering in the men she’d worked on earlier in the evening. She spent a lot of time focusing on my sacral chakra (lots of blockages there). She asked if I wanted children… definitely not. Her brows furrowed a bit and she continued on to my heart chakra. 
When she got to my crown chakra she let me know that it was very cold; she was going to work on opening it so I could better connect with spirit. That task turned out to be more difficult than she’d anticipated; she immediately started trying figuring out why she couldn’t get the energy flowing. She picked up my left hand, placed her right hand about 3 inches directly above it, paused for a few seconds, then nodded and said, “OK, that’s why. You’re psychic. You need to stop blocking your gifts. Are you a healer?”
“You can be if you want. I’m going to open your crown chakra so you’ll be more open to that option.”
When she was satisfied that my 7th chakra was open and ready to receive energy she went back to working on my sacral chakra. After a few more minutes she made one final sweep of my energy field (just to check her work), then finished up.
When I sat up I asked her why she questioned me about wanting children. She smiled and said that there were several little souls waiting on the other side in case I changed my mind. I assured her that I wouldn’t. “It’s not too late,” she smiled almost slyly. NOT GOOD! Not good at all….

The last healer I chose was Marsha. She also did energy work. She studied Reiki but had developed her own modality that incorporated many different studies. My tennis elbow has been acting up so I asked her to work on it. She sat down next to me, wrapped her hands gently around my elbow, closed her eyes and got to work. After about a minute my elbow grew slightly cold, but I didn’t say anything (I expected heat).  A few seconds later she asked if I could feel anything cool in my elbow – my guides had told her that there was inflammation at the sight and that she needed to send blue, cooling energy to help soothe the pain.
She was also told that I needed to sleep with my arm in a different position – my current sleeping posture wasn’t helping. I would try, but couldn’t guarantee anything.
As she released my arm she laughed and told me that my guides were very funny – apparently they enjoying dancing and were hopping around joyfully as she was working with them. OK, maybe that’s why I dance whenever possible…