Monday, May 13, 2013

An email message from the High Council...

A three image sequence of last Friday’s rising annular eclipse.
Geoff Sims. (@beyond_beneath)
I just received an email concerning the recent solar eclipse. I don’t know the original sender, Lauren Carolyn Gorgo, but apparently she is “a conscious co-creation coach, intuitive, healer, teacher, inter-dimensional telepath, writer, designer & onlinepreneur”  and creator of the website  The email was sent from a woman I met at a recent class on meditation and concerns a message sent from the Pleiadian High Council.  I don’t know much about the Pleiadians… but, back in 1994 I had a brief encounter with a man who gave me the book “Bringers of the Dawn” which is supposedly a collection of teachings from the Pleiadians. I had forgotten about the book until just recently and am in the process of reading it now. Following is the body of the email:

I received the following message from the Pleiadian High Council regarding the solar eclipse:
“Mark your calendar.  Today you enter the beginning phase of ascended mastery. Let us be more clear….Ascended mastery begins with your consciousness, ends with your biology.  By that we mean that first you were required to break through to new levels or dimensions of thought, which became your new way of seeing & understanding reality, which became your new way of BEing, which became your new level consciousness…your state of self-awareness…which then altered your DNA and now…your biology.

This alteration, what we have called the transposition, begins now.  The solar eclipse is set to trigger the release of the karmic body template, that which was designed to uphold your life in duality.  The ascended template, the christ blueprint, is designed to uphold, to contain your mastery.  This switch, the transposition of karmic to christed template, enables the transfiguration of form…the true mark of the christ.

Today, you become the masters of your fate. Today, you become part of the lineage of those masters before you who have risen above the law of gravity, transcended the ancient human archetype and consciously left the causal world to dance with eternity. Today is a day of celebration for you are realizing your capacity to release an entire blueprint of existence that has served its purpose in bringing you to this moment, to Christhood.

What we would like to make clear is the understanding that each of you…the new earth guardians, healers and teachers, the sacred keepers and builders of form…you are being reborn, resurrected into the light of the risen christ.  As agents of healing, you will be able to perform miracles as you are released from the physical laws that keep you bound.  This eclipse passage assures the sovereign ceremonial initiation for those with the christ seed activated within.  It is a time of unprecedented spiritual awakening…of remembering.

Those of you who carry the christed DNA are here to plant the seeds of LOVE throughout the earth and in the hearts of her people.  We want you to know that you hold within you the keys to the universe and for those of you who are preparing to step into the fullness of your ascended selves, we say to you that these moments before you are those of transfiguration…the send off, if you will, united, into the kingdom of heaven.

We understand that these are lofty claims, so together with many other star nations near and afar, we will carry the energy to support them until each of you picks up your scepter, enrobes in your glory and bestows upon yourselves, the light of God.  Be assured that we have been with you since the beginning of time, and we will continue to hold this light for you until you are ready to carry it fully…by which, we say with great pride…you are ready.

This day, everything changes.  Take time time to consciously honor yourselves, to love yourselves, to BE yourselves fully, completely & honestly,  for each of you at the helm of christhood are here to serve in extraordinary ways.  We meant it literally when we said, you are the vehicles of divine transformation.  It all happens through you, the progenitors of the Christ.  Ponder your sacred lineage through this eclipse passage, and you may be surprised at what arises.”  

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