Monday, May 13, 2013



Selenite is a form of the mineral gypsum and is composed of calcium sulfate dehydrate. Gypsum occurs on every continent and is the most common of all the sulfate minerals.

Etymology: from the Middle English selinete, from Latin selenites, from Greek selēnitēs (lithos), literally, moonstone or stone of the moon, from selēnē (Moon).

Healing properties of Selenite:

“Selenite crystals are remarkably peaceful. They carry a very high vibration, and instill clarity of mind and a deep sense of inner peace. Selenite will assist you in opening your crown chakra and it can even assist you in contacting your Spiritual Guides and Angels.

Another wonderful property of Selenite is that it has the power to cleanse and clear other crystals and negative energies. You will never need to cleanse or recharge your Selenite crystal, as you need to do with many metaphysical stones.

Selenite is one of the more powerful healing stones for the new age and spiritual work. It is excellent for meditation, and ensures a peaceful environment when stones are placed around the home.

Rubbing a smooth piece of Selenite will calm and lift your energy and may even help you enter into the realm of dreams, intuition, Spiritual Guides and Angels.

If you are interested in increasing your psychic or telepathic abilities, place a piece of Selenite on your Third Eye Chakra (in between or slightly above your eyebrows).
These are just a few of the many healing and metaphysical properties of  Selenite. The insight and energy Selenite provides is valuable in any healing or spiritual practice.” 
(from Rainbow Doorways)

When my “demon” refused to move on I sought help from people I considered “experts”. Aside from a house cleansing and standing my ground, demanding it leave, they suggested I bury Selenite in the four corners of my yard and then keep some inside my house.

I feared my neighbors would come by asking what new weed killer I was using when I went out to bury these small milky pieces of crystal in strategic places in my yard (just the week before they had watched, puzzled, as I’d sprinkled Kosher rock salt around the perimeter of our house). Fortunately, not questions were asked.

I also keep 2 large pieces on the window sill in our kitchen. More than anything I like the way they look – if they actually help dispel evil, all the better.  I’ve never been a believer in the “power” of crystals; however, since my recent encounter I don’t discount anything… having them around can’t hurt.

Additional information: Healing Crystals For You


  1. Hey, could you get a hold of me? I think we may have experienced similar things that I too am trying to figure out / explain.

  2. Tristian, let me know what your going through. I'll talk with you. I've also been through similar things.
