Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bless this space...

This simple home cleansing/blessing was given to me by a very kind and gifted man. It proved a powerful tool in dispelling my own demons.

  • Course Kosher Salt (most grocery stores sell this)
  • Holy Water (you can get this at a catholic church or use the method below)
  • White Candle (any inexpensive small white candle is fine)
  • St. Benedict Medal (you can get these online, from a catholic gift shop or Botanica)

  • Before you start the cleansing say a simple blessing over the salt. Something like, “I Bless and Empower this salt from the earth to both Bless and Protect my home, my family and all whom I love. So It Is, Amen.”
  • If you don’t have Holy Water you can make your own.  Just as you did the salt, take your water and say a simple blessing over it, "The Spirit of the Living GOD is within this Water, may it Nourish, Cleanse and Bless this Space."  Placing it in a spray bottle is a very easy way of using it.
  • Protect yourself before you begin.  Make sure you have a St. Benedict medal with you, take a moment and surround yourself in the Light and Protection of SPIRIT and ask GOD to protect you with a Special Angelic Guard as you move through your home.
  • Make sure to open as many doors and windows as you can.

  • After your salt is Blessed simply sprinkle it around the exterior of your home. While doing this imagine the salt completely blocking and dispelling any evil that might try entering.
  • From inside, make sure as many doors and windows as possible are open, start at one end of your home and work towards the open doors.  Light the candle, get the Holy Water and go to each corner of each room and say, “I Bless this Space in the name of the Living GOD, only those in Divine LOVE and LIGHT may stay, all others must go now!"  Hold up the candle and spray each area with Holy Water as you go.
  • Continue this until you have Blessed each corner of each room.
  • Closets, bathrooms and such are your call - if in doubt, ask GOD to lead you as needed.
  • Once you have Blessed the final area, CLOSE the Doors and Windows.
  • Blow out your candle, put it in a trash bag and take to a dumpster somewhere FAR away from you.

You can do this as often as you feel the need. When I first performed this cleansing I also put a small St. Benedict medal in each corner of my home.  If you still feel the presence of negativity you may need to seek the help of someone experienced in home blessings and cleansings.

If you fear something negative is present in your home it can be hard to hold a positive thought while doing the cleansing – but TRY! As you go through each room speak with authority and power, truly believing that you’re forcing out anything negative. It makes a difference in how you feel and helps you truly take back your space.

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