Thursday, April 11, 2013

Part 1, How casually attending a Meetup group can knock you on your ass… in a BIG way…

Journal Entry dated February 25, 2013

My mind is now quiet. I feel at peace and a part of the world.

Healing Service

After receiving several Meetup emails I decided to go a healing service being held by a Spiritualist Meetup group.  I’d never really paid much attention to the emails I’d gotten from Meetup, not even sure how I got on their list, but this time I just had a nagging feeling that I needed to go to this particular meeting. Drew was in Wyoming, seemed a perfect opportunity to do something different and waste some time. I didn’t go with a particular ailment that needed attention, simply thought I’d go check it out and voyeuristically eavesdrop.

Upon arriving I met a really nice woman named Mary while washing my hands in the bathroom. It was her first time also. So much for fearing I’d have no one to talk to...  She in turn was meeting a woman she’d met on an online diet support group.
The evening started off with a group sing-a-long, then continued with introductions of all the featured healers for the evening.  At the far end of the room sat a couple; the sister, Martha, was a native American energy healer and her brother, John, introduced himself as a wizard and alchemist. The brother sat looking rather uncomfortable and somewhat unhappy to be there.  

Each of the healers had their specified area, be it a massage table, chair or simply a spot on the floor. You were allowed 5 minutes per healer but could see as many as you liked.  I hung back, not having anything in particular that I felt needed healing.  Mary kept urging me to at least go try someone so I got in line for the native American/wizard couple (although odd, they seemed the best match for me).  While in line I tried to come up with something that needed attention and I immediately remembered my recent dreams involving demons. Seemed better than nothing… Honestly, I was more concerned with having to take my shoes off (which thankfully I didn’t).

When it was my turn, the Martha introduced herself and asked what I needed help with; I half flippantly mentioned my dreams.  She asked that I lay down on their table. She told her brother my dilemma and he very seriously leaned over me, his face directly over mine, and asked that I look into his eyes.  After several seconds he looked up at his sister and said, “Yep, it’s in her. We need to get it out.”  Martha nodded, he put one hand on each of my temples, wrapped his hands around my head said, “Now just relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded in a ball of white light.”  I did as instructed and as he started repeating, “I command all that is evil and negative to leave this woman now” I felt the sides of my head grow hot. He kept demanding that the evil leave me and my head got hotter and hotter. After a minute or so I felt a chill run down the left side of my body. As if on cue Martha shivered and said, “Wow that was cold. I think it left, I just felt something jump out of her and run down my arm and out.”  John had me sit up and asked if I’d be offended if he used strong language… I just chuckled. He put both hands on the top of my head and began to gently rock me back and forth and while alternating between English and some other language, again commanding the evil to leave my body.  When he felt convinced of my release he once again asked that I look into his eyes. This time he smiled and reassured me that the presence was gone. He explained that before I hadn’t been able to really focus on him but now my gaze was clear and intense. Having not brought any sage spray, they quickly borrowed some from one of the other healers and completely dowsed me. He asked if I owned a piece of black tourmaline, yes I did. He told me to keep it on me at all times and to also place small bowls of white rice around my house. These two things would help both draw out and expel any evil from me.

I thanked him and walked away feeling like I’d just played a rather fun part in a “made for TV” movie.

The organizer of the event makes his living as a voice over actor, but is a medium in his off hours.  He was doing readings that night. I felt the need to do more than just observe at this point and sat down to wait my turn. When he asked what I wanted to know and I asked about my best friend, again not really feeling like I had a legitimate concern that needed attention. When he finished (that’s a story for another time) he asked if I had any other questions. I quickly told him about my experience with the wizard and asked where the “demon” had come from. He sensed my skepticism and told me not to think of it in terms of the biblical flesh and blood, fire and brimstone demon but instead to think of it in terms of negative energy.  More benign and less dramatic, but no less dangerous.  I said I didn’t believe in demons so I wasn’t sure what to make of it all.  He told me that because my personal energy was strong there would be all sorts of things attracted to me, not all good. When you combined that with my disbelief and natural interest in the dark side I became the perfect, and easy, target. Strangely, that made sense. He gave me a St. Benedict medal, instructed me to place it under my mattress and told me to start being more aware of what I bring into my life.

I left feeling like I’d just experienced something very unusual indeed.

I slept better that night than I had in a very long time.

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