Thursday, April 11, 2013

Waking up in someone else’s body and actually liking it…

In the days immediately following "the exorcism" I began to see and feel the world in a whole new way.  It seemed as if I’d always felt slightly apart from everything else… not now.

I couldn’t remember a time when I hadn’t had angry, resentful, violent scenarios running through my head. It seemed there was always a constant chatter going on. One that was never positive. As I walked our dog the following morning I was shocked that I heard nothing but the sound of the world around me. Instead of forcing myself to see what was in front of me I saw it all very clearly (I compare it to those Claritin commercials. It was if a waxy film had been removed from my world. I saw colors and heard sounds like never before.) In the past I’d had to count or repeat the Lord’s prayer in order to silence the negativity.  Now, I simply stopped and heard the ambient sounds of leaves blowing, birds chirping, cars driving past. It was like waking up in someone else’s body. I was stupefied and cautiously joyful.

Maybe it had been real.

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